Give Trees A Chance

Sunny slope of evergreen tree valley in front of hazy craggy mountain tops.

Give Trees A Chance

Searching the Internet for the following question reveals an amazing answer that we must think about: How Long Does it Take for a Tree to Grow? From sapling to full size, the consensus on the web seems to agree that it takes about 30 years. But with a chainsaw against even a tough wood like oak, it can take under an hour to sever a tree from its roots. For Love A Tree Day, we want to show our love by thinking about sustainability.

It Takes Time

We recently honored the nurturing quality of Mothers, so it’s hard to ignore the amount of time required to nurture a growing tree versus the ease of felling one. A tree is just about full size after 30 years, but according to the Internet, there is consensus about the answer to the question, how long can a tree live?; according to the general web, a tree can live from less than 100 years to 1000s. In fact, there is a Bristlecone Pine estimated to be 5,000 years old. That is a mind-blowing number.

While trees are renewable because we can grow more, at this rate of growth and consumption, it may not be sustainable. Are we replacing the materials we take from the earth well enough to compensate for our use?

How We Answer

This question is bigger than just one post, but at SeaSoaked Skin, we make it our mission to think about this answer every day. All our efforts to create a beautiful eco-luxe line of skincare products is focused on considerate use of resources. Kelp has so many uses, another internet search would reveal its ability to rival trees in the function and forms it offers. But most of all, kelp is sustainable.

Kelp grows abundantly and quickly, and SeaSoaked Skin works exclusively with sustainably farmed sources. We adequately replace the Earth’s materials that we use. This is another reason we ensure that all our mailing boxes are recyclable and /or reusable. We choose to use molded pulp packaging to protect the contents during shipping because they are sustainable materials. Made from fibers like recycled cardboard, paper, and natural fibers such as sugarcane, bamboo and wheat straw, our packaging is biodegradable.

So, to love a tree today, we want to give the forests a rest and offer gratitude for an alternative resource that exists to create our plant-powered line of skincare products. Browse our line of skincare products to treat yourself and the earth to some healthy living. 


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