Why Kelp Is More Than Just A Weed From The Sea

Underwater photo of seaweed gently breaching the water surface.

Everything you have heard about the ocean is true; the sea is beautiful and mysterious. Even after years of living near the Pacific Northwest coast, I am still captivated by the ocean. 

There is an incredible sense of nature and wonder, and I feel it daily. When I’m feeling down, going to the seashore revives me; when low energy is lingering, the ocean air renews me. There is serenity mixed with power in the elements of the sea.

If I could bottle it up to share with you, I would.

Where There Is A Will

Turns out, there is a way to bring the revitalizing effects of the ocean to you with thalassotherapy. “Thalasso” means ocean in Greek, and through treatments that use materials from the ocean, you can experience the spiritual and physical wellbeing that comes from contact with the sea. 

One quintessential ocean element perfect for thalassotherapy is seaweed, a type of underwater plant with an unfortunate name associated with unwanted garden growth. Also, when you think of seaweed, most people conjure up the image of trudging through washed-up greenery that intertwines at your feet when you wade by the sea. However, the name and association are contrary to the power-packed into this plant.

Not Your Typical Weed

Far from a pesky weed, seaweed is a highly sought plant that performs miracles. From edible products that improve health to the development of biomaterials that help the environment, seaweed has uses we are just beginning to understand.

It’s mind-blowing to conceive of an underwater world of plants as capable of cultivating and harvesting as their counterparts on land. Moreover, with more than 35,000 different types, seaweed grows abundantly. It also grows quickly, making it a sustainable resource.

When Kelp Arrived

Of all the conduits to the sea, kelp is the key ingredient in our products because of its amazing properties. Kelp belongs to the brown algae family and contains the right type of nutrients to formulate eco-luxe products that are beneficial and therapeutic for the skin. Also, kelp grows in underwater forests that can be sustainably farmed and kept organic, a process that speaks to my heart because it will make the world a better place for the generations after us.

Even though there are 200 types of brown algae, SeaSoaked Skin products use Ribbon Kelp, Sugar Kelp, and Bull Kelp with unrefined, organic oils to ensure the most potent phytonutrients available. Native to the Pacific Northwest, SeaSoaked Skin uses sustainably farmed and -harvested kelp from the waters of Alaska formulates them into revitalizing skin and body care products, and delivers thalassotherapy essentials to your doorstep.

You can experience the beauty and mystery of the ocean, too.

A Passion For Wellness

Truly, I believe the world would be a different place if the ocean could imbue the same effects on everyone no matter where they lived. Imagine if you could carry the scent of ocean air and the feeling of salt-sprayed skin as you climb aboard a bus to work in a city far from the sea? What could you accomplish with an utter sense of well being in mind and body? 

Find out. Immerse yourself into the sea for better health and wellness with any of the products carried in our skincare line, and when your order ships, we will include a free sample with your purchase.


5 Mind-Blowing Ways Kelp Improves Your Skin